Thursday, March 28, 2019

Where is the Dignity?

I am trying with all my heart and soul to imagine a world that if the Democrats handled Hillary's loss with just a little bit of dignity, what a different place this country would be in.  Because all we are right now is insane bizarro world where most people are freaking out.  I get it, they didn't want Trump to be your President, really I do, I have strong willed children, and I recognize the behavior of petulance when I see it.  They had their hearts and souls set on Hill's to be their girl.  Most just because they voted on genitals.  It was HER turn, they wanted that storyline.  Well babies SHE LOST, and for two years plus you have been throwing tantrums, and RESISTing (and if you ask anyone they can't tell you what they're resisting) to the point of wasting tens of millions of our tax dollars that could be spent on much better things than literal idiots investigating something they made up in their psycho heads, so they could impeach him for a reality script they made up.  They even had CNN and MSNBC in on the gig.

Let's round up the last 2 years shall we, to look at the lack of sanity and dignity our friends on the left have participated in, and see if we can get some answers

THE WOMENS MARCH - OMG The pink pussy hat wearing hate Trump rally, that we have had 3 of them now.  I went to 2 satisfy my morbid curiosity to see what happens to women who wear pussy hats and not thinking caps - Well for sure what happens is if you ask anyone in attendance "what rights they no longer have as women since Trump took office?" - NOT ONE LUNATIC CAN ANSWER THAT.

KAVANAUGH HEARING - Ruining a mans life because you didn't get your way.  Wanting to eliminate all due process and just believe women, when you had not ONE credible "victim".  You made most of the nation sick because you were "RESISTING"  WTF were you RESISTING.  All the left did is make real victims more afraid of coming out and reporting true heinous rapes and abuse.

METOO - You know if Hillary had been elected, no one would have brought up any big Democrat political Hollywood Jabba The Hut type men raping women, they would have just kept taking rapist money.  Because the left is hypocritical like that.    In that whole fiasco of debauchery that the left has participated in for decades, it exposed that our congress stole 17 million dollars from the tax payers to cover up.  HIllary never gave back Harvey Weinsteins money - or Trumps money for that matter, he did give her a bunch of money when she was a Senator in New York - The Integrity of the Left is non existent.

IMPEACHMENT - Not one impeachable offense or crime, but it's been mentioned 16,000 times on CNN in 2  years.  You're insane, flat out.

HITLER, I'm sorry, Hitler killed 6 million Jews, and Trump supports Israel.  When did your brains completely stop working?

A Psycho Hollywood threatening Trumps Child - ignored by the left because they're classless
RACIST - He called ALL MEXICANS RAPISTS AND DRUG DEALERS.  No he didn't, send me the tape and I'll stop, you have no proof the man is racist, but you have shown your racism and hatred on the left. - SOME OF THEM ARE RAPISTS AND CRIMINALS - Why are our jails full of illegal aliens?

RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA - Your 30 million dollar investigation proved there was no collusion.  Can we please MOVE ON.

Your behavior is ensuring another term for Trump and for that I'm grateful.  Because the clown car that is currently running, couldn't hit water if they fell out of a boat.  So while you're reflecting on your foolishness know that Trump will continue to knock down the obstruction and build the wall, and the hammer is coming for those that have truly done wrong.  Pop the Corn and watch.  But I don't think I could ever go back to voting Democrat, because, I'm a real adult, and have the ability to think for myself.  You should try it.

Kathy Griffin the Hypocrite

The Tolerant Left

The Party of Empowering Women
This CRAZY Rep from California is threatening gun owners with Nukes.

The Swalwell Diaries -

As the clown car that is the Democratic Presidential Candidates, Swalwell is the annoying as a gnat and about as intelligent as one passenge...